Why You Aren't "Attracting" Money

I love positivity. I love motivation. It’s the field that I chose to pursue in business and what I feel my purpose is at this phase in my life. Like many people, I like to follow Instagram accounts who promote messaging that is positive and uplifting, and I love me some good affirmations.

There’s one affirmation, though, that I keep seeing show up on people’s timelines that I take issue with. The affirmation looks like this…

A lot of people actually repeat stuff like this and convince themselves that it’s true, when—really—it’s either an incomplete affirmation or an outright lie. You aren’t attracting money if you’re just sitting around waiting on it to come to you, and I know so many people who do exactly that.

People are out here telling themselves that they attract money and if they just believe that they attract money, it will somehow magically fill up their bank accounts. That’s not how it works. 


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5 Easy Ways to Support a New Entrepreneur

I want to see US all win. Like really, I’m not just saying that.

This week, I’ve been talking a lot about family and friends not supporting your business, and in yesterday’s episode of my podcast—Master Your Mission—I talked about family and friends actually hating on your business (or your growth). Check that episode out to hear more on the subject.


Since I’ve been wanting to talk about the subject that I’m about to go into for a while now, I thought this was the perfect time to do so. There’s really no need to feel salty about anybody else’s growth. We can find ways to support one another and still grow our own business. 

There are enough people out here to serve that we can support each other and still all have plenty of customers. There’s enough money out here to be made that we can lift each other up and still all make a shit ton of money. There’s enough drip out here that we can all glow up....

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What If Family & Friends Don't Support Your Business?

Entrepreneurs need support. When you first start a business, support from the people you love the most—your family and friends—can mean more to you than it ever did before. But what if your family and friends don’t show support for your business? Check out this video I posted on Instagram.


One of my IG friends asked me a question, about the post above, that I absolutely love. To paraphrase his question, he asked how I know that your family and friends aren’t truly just hating on you. So I want to share my opinion about that here.

Family and (fake) friends can absolutely be haters. Sometimes people truly don’t want to see you do better than them. They’re envious that you’re doing what they wish they could or what they’re afraid to do. Their hate, or lack of support, is really a reflection of how they see themselves, and there’s not a lot you can do about that. Sometimes people realize that...

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5 Ways Music Can Motivate You In Business


Music is a huge part of our daily lives. We wake up to music, drive to music, work out to music, fall in love to music, party to music, worship to music and so, so much more. 

Music evokes emotion like no other art form. It can make you laugh and make you cry. It creates memories that last forever and triggers nostalgia that can make something that happened a decade ago feel like it happened yesterday.

When you’re feeling down, dancing to your favorite upbeat track or singing a ballad at the top of your lungs can make you feel like a brand new person. The effect that music has on our mood can be used to empower us when we need motivation the most. As a business owner, that’s often.

As I’ve discussed in previous episodes of my podcast, Master Your Mission, it takes a lot of conscious effort to keep your mind in the game and choose positivity over negativity. Check out the 10 Ways to Avoid Negativity Creep and Choose Positivity Instead episode of my...

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Wakanda Wasn't Built In a Day


You’ve been working hard, doing all the things you need to do for your business, but things just aren’t happening as fast as you’d like. Frustration sets in and the mental gymnastics of entrepreneurship begin. 

What you’re feeling is not unique to you. It’s actually common for entrepreneurs to feel that way. What’s not so common is the ability to ward off thoughts of caving in and the ability to stay focused on the end goal. 

Here, my friend, is where the rubber meets the road. This is just the introduction of the book you’re writing of your life, and you’re nowhere near the end.

So many entrepreneurs give up in this very spot. They come up with a business idea, start working toward their goals, and when they don’t see M’s in their bank account by week 2, they’re on to the next. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but not by much.

You’re not them though. You’re going to keep...

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The Art of the Imperfect Start


If you’ve been putting off your dream of becoming an entrepreneur, you should stop putting it off and start your business now. Why? Well, tomorrow isn’t promised and the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get to where ever it is you want to go. 

Procrastinating on your dream is not the move. The problem with procrastination is that it leads to more procrastination. In fact, it leads to endless procrastination. We convince ourselves that we’re not good enough as we are and that we need something else in order to be successful. Unsurprisingly, we never actually acquire that something else. 

When you’re lacking things like large budgets, a ton of expertise, and an audience with money in hand, what do you do? How do you start your business in spite of imperfect conditions?

You master the art of the imperfect start. Here’s how:

  1. Give yourself permission.

The first thing you need to do is allow yourself to believe in your ability...

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Why It's Important to Learn to Say, "No"

One of the most powerful words in the English language is one that many people struggle with saying. The thought of saying it gives them anxiety and makes them agree to do things they really don’t want to do. It’s a simple, one syllable word that makes the strongest of the strong as weak as a wet paper towel.

That word people struggle with saying is “no”. 

If you really think about it, it’s one of the first words we learn to say. The first three words uttered out of most babies mouths is “mama”, “dada”, and “no”. They say it to everything. Try to take something from them, they’ll certainly yell, “NO!” Try to make them eat something they don’t want, they’re going to scream, “NO!” Try to put them in the bed when they are fighting sleep, issa “NO!” 

Somewhere along the way, most people develop a people pleasing habit and lose that “No”...

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Imperfect Is Perfect

In this day and age of social media and reality television, we do a lot of peering into other people’s lives and watching from afar. We compare ourselves to them, wonder why we can’t do what they do and we envy how easy they make life look.

They seem to have perfect lives. They live good, travel to the best places, wear the nicest clothes, have the best looking bodies, the perfect bae, and—most importantly—take the best pictures with lighting you could only dream of. 

So when it comes to your business, you waste your time trying to create the perfect circumstances before you put yourself out there to start sharing your gift with the world. You’ve convinced yourself that the only way people will buy from you or listen to you is if you are as perfect as some of the accounts you’ve been paying attention to.

That’s a whole lie.

The truth is, your conscious mind is serving up stall tactics on a silver platter—knowing that the...

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5 Steps You Can Use to Create a Plan of Action for Your Business


Have you ever been so overwhelmed with having to make decisions about something that you just freeze and do nothing? Entrepreneurship can be exactly like that at times. There’s always so much work to do for your business that it can become overwhelming. 

According to Psychology Today, it’s thought that the average person makes around 35,000 decisions per day. That’s a whole hell of a lot of decision making, and it’s easy to see why we tend to put off some of those tough decisions we have to make for our businesses until later—and oftentimes, later never comes. 

If you’re into fitness like I am, you probably meal prep. The reason meal prepping is so effective, for people who want to eat healthy, is because it takes the thought out of every meal. Your meals are planned, so you don’t have to think about it and open yourself up to being overwhelmed and making poor decisions— which, of course, leads to failure.

I know...

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What Have You Been Doing for the Last 2 Months?


You’ve heard me talk a lot about how it takes 66 days to create a habit. So, I have a question, and I want you to really think about this. What have you been doing consistently for the last two months? Is it something that would create good habits or bad habits? Would you be proud to tell someone that you’ve been doing it?

Have you been sitting on the couch, watching TV every evening after work? Have you been writing articles for your blog? Have you been creating products for your business? Have you been avoiding doing something that you really need to do for your business?

Whatever you’ve been doing consistently for the last 66 days has likely become something that you do without even thinking about it. In other words, you’ve formed a habit. 

If you’ve inadvertently formed a bad habit, it’s not too late to break that and replace it with a good habit. You can make your mind up, right now, that you’ll create a good habit by...

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