What's the Best Online Business for You - 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

So you really want to start an online business, but there’s one major problem. You don’t know what type of business you want to start.

Because it’s so easy to start a business online—you can literally do anything—it’s also really easy to be overwhelmed with all the ideas you come up with. To make this conversation easy, let’s narrow your choices down to two main categories.

We’ll use the two I mentioned in the How to Start Your Online Business with Virtually No Money episode of my podcast, Master Your Mission—Coaching and Dropshipping.

Now, remember, Coaching means you’ll be teaching other people something that you’re an expert at, like I do. Dropshipping means you’ll have an online shop or boutique where you sell products without ever buying or holding inventory—your wholesaler holds the products and ships them directly to your customers.

To help you determine which option is best for you, I came up with...

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How to Find Your Niche and be a Big Fish in a Small Pond


Today I want to talk about finding your niche for your business. First, I’ll define what a niche is for those who might not be familiar. A niche is a very small, very specific subset of the general population.

In business, your niche is your lifeline. It’s your lane, and it’s vital that you find your lane and stay in it. In other words, be narrow down what you sell and who you sell it to.

Many people who are new to entrepreneurship find the concept of picking a niche rather difficult. Even experienced entrepreneurs struggle with it sometimes. Most people want to sell as many of their products or services to as many people as possible, so it seems counter intuitive to exclude large swaths of people by narrowing your audience and product offering down. 

It’s natural. We all want to make a shit ton of money! But trying to sell everything to every one is not the way to go. The more laser focused you are about what you sell and who you sell it to,...

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7 Free Resources Every Entrepreneur Should Know About

Entrepreneurship can be a confusing maze of wrong turns, tough decisions and unknown pitfalls. You don’t know what you don’t know and even when you do, you still sometimes feel like you don’t. Confusing, right?

Following your instinct is great, but that won’t always get you far. Sometimes you need solid information from people who know more than you do to set you on the right track.

No matter whether you’re a beginner to entrepreneurship or you’ve been around the entrepreneurial block a few times, learning should always be a part of your business plan. As a business owner, you should never ever stop learning.

To help you, I put together this list of 7 free resources every entrepreneur should know about.


Did you know that you could have your own personal business mentor that you don’t have to pay? Yep, and you can get one through SCORE. SCORE is a network of business owners and entrepreneurs, many times retired, who volunteer their time...

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Celebrate Yourself

I’ve been working my ass off this week, and I’m so excited for what’s to come. Right now, as I’m writing this article, I’m preparing to host my first live training (webinar) for a few hundred people who want to hear what I have to say about starting a business. I’m super excited and ready to help them!

In the training, I’ll be teaching them all about the dropshipping business. This method makes starting a business super easy for people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to do so, so this is really important work to me. 

I’ve had a few rough weeks, as of late, where I really felt like I was spinning my wheels in a few areas of my life and not really getting any traction.

So I wanted to take the time today to celebrate me, and I’m telling you this so that you can celebrate you. Whatever it is that you’ve been doing every day to reach your goal of being a better you, give yourself the credit you deserve for doing it.


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3 Ways Your Website Can Make You Money No Matter What Your Business Is


In yesterday’s episode of my podcast, Master Your Mission, I talked about the importance of having a website for your business. It doesn’t matter how small your business is or what industry your business is in, you need a website.

Many of the 36% of small business owners who don’t have a website think that their business is too small for one or that if they don’t sell anything online, they don’t need one. But I would argue that you should be using your website to make money, no matter what your core business is.

So to illustrate what I mean, I’m going to give you 3 ways your website can make you money no matter what business you’re in. 

Allow customers to book and pay for services on your website.

When a customer is looking to buy, you want to capture their attention and capture their money right away. When a potential customer comes across your website, why not give them the opportunity to book and pay for your service...

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It's 2019. Your Business Needs a Website.

Okay, it’s 2019. Damn near 2020. Does your business have a website? If your answer is no, then why the hell not? It’s really unacceptable no matter what business you’re in.

As a customer, I can’t tell you how annoyed I get when I Google a business that I want to patronize and they don’t have a website. Sometimes that means that I don’t ever actually buy from that business, because I couldn’t do the research I needed to do prior to purchasing. 

Just think about how you shop. When you decide you want to buy something, what’s the first thing you do? When you hear about a product or business that you’re interested in for the first time, what’s the next step in your buying process? It’s very likely that you turn to the internet for more information.

Even if there’s no way you can actually sell anything online, and I’d probably argue that you can, you absolutely need to have an online presence. It...

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I've Been Holding Out in My Business & I'm Going to Do Better

It’s time for a moment of self reflection. I want to start this article by apologizing to you. I’ve been holding out on you and this week, I realized just how much.

When I started my coaching business, I was kind of torn between whether I wanted to teach people how to actually start a business—like process steps—or be more of a motivational coach. I just knew that I wanted to share my passion and encourage more people to take the leap to become entrepreneurs.

We all know how much entrepreneurship can change entire communities for generations and generations. Plus, I personally know how depressing life can be when you work for someone else doing something you’re not passionate about with a dream of owning a business but aren’t sure how to make it happen.

So I thought encouraging people and teaching mindset related topics was enough. After this week, I realized it’s not. I’ve gotten such an amazing response to the webinar that I’m...

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Money is NOT Evil!


I want to talk about something that I posted on my social media today. I posted it because I was thinking about a comment someone made on another post of mine while back.

It was a comment on a video I posted on my Instagram—I can’t remember what the video was—but someone commented on the video in agreement and said something like, “Yeah I agree. Money is the root of all evil”. 

*blank stare*

I mean, first of all, whatever the hell I was talking about in the video, that person seriously misunderstood. I certainly didn’t mean to convey a negative message regarding money. Since then that comment has kind of bothered me and I’ve been wanting to talk about it here.

The reason is because so many people have been ingrained to believe that the meaning behind that saying is that money, itself, is evil. I’ve heard it time and time again. 

It’s a shining example of how a limiting belief can keep you stuck in a poor...

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How to Start Your Online Business with Virtually No Money

Click Here to Register for My FREE Training to show you "The Secret  Business Model Making Entrepreneurs Six Figures online Without Ever Buying Inventory"!

I’ve been really thinking a lot about how I can help more people start their businesses and become entrepreneurs. I know that there are so many people out here who dream of doing so and are motivated, but just don’t know what kind of business to start.

There are a lot of people who just don’t have a lot of money to invest up front, so they think that they can’t start a business until they do have a lot of money to invest. I recently sent a survey out to my email list asking them what was the biggest barrier holding them back from becoming entrepreneurs, and the answer I got the most was MONEY.

I started thinking about how I can help them with money, and unfortunately, I can’t give them the money they need to start their businesses. As I thought and thought over the last few days, I...

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Why #TeamNoSleep is Bad For Your Success

If you spend any amount of time on Twitter or Instagram, you’ve probably seen #TeamNoSleep before. People use it, almost as a brag, to let you know that they are depriving themselves of sleep in their efforts to do whatever tf it is that they aren’t sleeping for—which is usually #BossShit.

I think that not sleeping is one of the most ridiculous things you can choose to pretend to be proud of. Have you ever had insomnia? It’s not fun. Insomniacs are really #TeamNoSleep and I never see or hear them bragging about it.

Not sleeping is not a good thing. It’s actually really bad for that thing you live in called, your body. I got this straight from the government - according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “ Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.”

Our bodies were not designed to go for long periods of time without ample sleep. If...

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